The Selfish I
How to live in a world which is so self-avowedly egotistical?
Graduating from high school, I can see all my friends, acquaintances, and others flocking around to different corners of the world to pursue their lives.
Studying, military service, work, what have you…. They all pursue what they want, or have been forced to, as individuals.
However, what worries me is the particular form that social life has taken, one in which the solipsistic ego has taken hold to become as selfish and egocentric as possible.
I am far from the first to broach this topic and point this out, not at all, but it seems that the much-criticised (and much-vaunted) individualism that pervades our societies has taken on a new paradigm and way of being.
This lifestyle is one which grinds down the bonds and relations of communities and communitarian organisational forms, much to the chagrin of reactionary activists.
Worse, people don’t really seem to care about each other that much – they’re all caught up in their own shit, and many lack the decency to reply back to messages. The selfish inhumanity drives nearly drives you mad sometimes.
It is distressing to see how deracinated white people in particular have become from their native cultural heritage, and although there is a tendency to see a socio-political paradigm shift towards right-wing populism, it seems to be somewhat receding and short-sighted since its relative peak in popularity and not aimed at reliably reconstituting traditional European communities.
What can we hope for? We can hope for a fight and a struggle to preserve and advocate for our heritage to our fellow men and women to ensure its survival and future prosperity.
But first, we must start to genuinely care about each other, and to not just pass acquaintances in the hallway as if they were complete strangers, as if they were fuck-all to the world. No, genuine community and organic brotherhood must be built.
And it must be done thoroughly, starting now. We must articulate a new, qualitative, and differentiated individual, and the egotistical game that we all play must be broken for good.