About Mountain Hiking and Shift of Character
The experience of ascending the top of a mountain or other sorts of arduous zeniths in nature entails a profound spiritual dimension.
This exhilarating climax of relief and ecstasy from having expanded one’s boundaries helps you to attain transcendence, a vital yet missing part of modern human ontology.
In addition, the expansion of your comfort zone gives you a more confident and self-assured bearing in everyday life, whilst affording you greater appreciation of natural beauty, of course. How satisfying isn’t it to breathe ice cold air on the summit of a snow-capped mountain ridge, knowing that you’ve climbed the “peak of the world” through your very own efforts?
In addition, mountain hiking heightens your state of consciousness by making you aware of every move you take, since even a minor misstep could end fatally. This altered state of mind(fulness) brings with it a newfound sense of presence in the world that normally resides in the backburner of conventional lived experience.
The necessity of reconnection with our being selves is easy to overlook in a world of the herd that’s zapped from any deeper consciousness of reality and the acute experiential transformation that goes along with it.
I would argue that modern sleepwalking is the major impediment to lasting change in people’s lives as a whole. It keeps them in a perennial state of mediocrity, enslaved to their desires and oblivious of their faults, all in a state of blissful ignorance with accompanying habits of intransigent emotionality and lack of any metacognition.
What is emphatically needed is a radical attitude shift towards a mode of existence that satisfies the demand for meaning that all humans truly crave, i.e. a transcendent purpose.
By becoming dedicated to something larger than their petty earthly lives, awakened individuals come to realise their minuscule presence in the universe.
This prompts their character to become more mature and value-laden, to actually take control whilst effecting a change in their disposition that makes it more resilient to hardship and complacency.
The personal link to transcendent values, as espoused by online gurus such as Jordan B. Peterson, is a repository of spiritual strength and determination that fuels the fulfilling need to improve, create, and act in the world.
View that source as your enduring eternity.
Ultimately, a commitment to creativity and single-minded focus on your greater purpose in life will block out distractions and the draining ordeal of competitive behaviour, comparison with others, and the feeling of never being good enough.
This is imperative, and why you must bring your act together while you still can. Seize the life opportunity that’s in front of you while you still can. Before it’s too late…